Category Pets Jasmine Blue's Tails of the Dog Park By Susan Dyer Reynolds Chapter 49: The dogs that wandered in and out my door Chapter 48: The things I’ve learned from Jasmine Chatper 47: Holistic veterinary care: Treating the system, not the cancer Chapter 46: The Sun And The Moon And The Stars Chapter 45: The Terror of Tiny Town Chapter 44: The holistic journey begins Chapter 43: The Steller's jay's song Chapter 42: Jazzy Krueger (July 11) Chapter 41: It's going to get worse before it gets better (June 11) Chapter 40: The simple life (May 11) Chapter 39: Floating away (April 11) Chapter 38: Meeting Superman (March 11) Chapter 37: Finding a Denny's in Davis is like pulling teeth (Feb 11) Chapter 36: The call that never came (Jan 11) Chapter 35: The long road to Davis(Dec 10)
Chapter 34: The Big 'C' (Nov 10) Chapter 33: Old Dogs (Aug 10) Chapter 32: The case of the killer puppies (July 10) Chapter 31: A visit from the Cooperslobbera (May 10) Chapter 30: The pit bull showed them the silverware (Apr 10) Chapter 29: Saving Petey (Feb 10) Chapter 28: Chihuahuas are the new pit bulls (Jan 10) Chapter 27: Pittie in Pink (Dec 09) Chapter 26: Sick Vick (Nov 09) Chapter 25: The luckiest pups in Bakersfield (Oct 09) Chapter 24: Why did Cooper fall through the cracks? (Sep 09) Chapter 23: Cooper under cover (Aug 09) Chapter 22: One flew over the Cooper's nest (Jul 09) Chapter 21: The haunting eyes of throwaway dogs (Jun 09) Chapter 20: The squirrelly side of Ms. Blue (May 09) Chapter 19: Life's a beach (April 09)
Chapter 18: Changing minds – and hearts – one person at a time (Mar 09) Chapter 17: The pitfalls of breedism (Feb 09) Chapter 16: A Glen of Imaal terrier in the woodpile... (Jan 09) Chapter 15: Presidential Puppygate (Dec 08) Chapter 14: Best places to dine with your dog (Nov 08) Chapter 13: Every dog has its day (Oct 08) Chapter 12: Gotta getta doodle! (Sept 08) Chapter 11: An incredibly sensitve dog (Aug 08) Chapter 10: A true-blue ObamaMama Cramerican (July 08) Chapter 9: A Glen of Imaal terrier in the woodpile… (May 08) Chapter 8: The bionic pit bull (Mar 08) Chapter 7: Jazzy’s anatomy (Feb 08) Chapter 6: Attack of the five-foot-two stage mother (Jan 08) Chapter 5: A few of our favorite things … (Dec 07) Chapter 4: Where are Fido, Rover and Spot? (Jan 09) Chapter 3: Cur wars at Dog Walker Ranch Chapter 2: Do you love me yet? (Jan 09) Chapter 1: "Why do you want a pit bull?" (Jan 09)