So if one thing you want to do is get back to the gym or try a new type of workout, we’ve got a great feature for you: “Healthy and fit around the town in 2012.” It describes all the many options available for us here in our beautiful city, some that take advantage of our scenic outdoors – and I’m not talking about just running or hiking. Or if something more contemplative appeals, we’ve got a primer on all the different yoga styles to help you choose one that’s best for you. And of course you’ll want to look good doing whatever you choose, so our Stylehound has some recommendations on stylish workout wear.
If you’re serious about getting in shape, you’ll be interested in our Health Matters column, which discusses the importance of detoxing to rid your body of the toxins created by all that delicious-but-probably-not-so-healthful food you may have consumed over the last few months. We’ve also got a basic recipe for pureed soup that lends itself to infinite variations, all delicious, satisfying, healthful, and easy to boot. Or if trying some new restaurants is on your new year’s to-do list, The Tablehopper has six new places you won’t want to miss.
For a different take on the new year, John Zipperer discusses some of the predictions of past years and just where he’s putting his dice this year, while our home and garden column highlights another new year, the Chinese Year of the Dragon. We’ve got a suggestion for commemorating it as well as some interesting Chinese traditions and superstitions (hint: don’t do any sweeping on New Year’s Day). And if you eschew personal resolutions, why not make some for your home? Our real estate column provides an important list of what you need to do to make your home safe – did you know carbon monoxide monitors are now required by law? Not new-year-related but many-year-related on the local front, Ernie Beyl’s Back Story gives us a history of one of our city’s grande dames, the St. Francis Hotel, and Bruce Bellingham laments the loss of Cala Foods on Nob Hill. In North Beach Beat, Tony Long in his inimitable style tells us about “policing the unpoliceable” in a story that is sure to give you a giggle.
If you love animals, you’ll love our cover story about Pet Food Express’s My Mutt program, which has raised $1 million in donations for shelters and rescues in Northern California – how great is that? And for you loyal followers of Jasmine Blue, there’s an update on how she’s doing.
There’s more as well, so flip the pages to see what’s in store. And please let us know what you like (or don’t) or would like to see in future issues. We always love hearing from you, so drop us a note at Whatever you choose to do (or not) this new year, I’ll leave you with this from the lululemon bag: “The world is changing at such a rapid rate that waiting to implement changes will leave you two steps behind.”
Lynette Majer can be reached at