S.F. Firefighter’s Toy Program
Year round
Any S.F. firehouse
The S.F. Firefighter’s Toy Program is the City’s largest and the nation’s oldest program of its kind and welcomes donations of unwrapped toys, which it has distributed to over 40,000 disadvantaged children. 415-777-0440, www.sffdlocal798.org
Holiday Party Decorations
Mon–Thu thru Dec 17
Compass Community Services (995 Market St.)
Compass helps low-income and homeless families break the cycle of poverty and needs your help making decorations for their annual holiday party. Veronica Estrella, 415- 442-5130, vestrella @compass-sf.org
Meal & Gift Preparation & Delivery
Sunday, Dec 19, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
909 Hyde St., Ste. 628
Fri–Sat, Dec 24–25, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Temple Emanu-el (2 Lake St.)
Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderlyneeds over 600 volunteers to prepare and deliver Christmas meals and gifts and to make home visits to over 800 isolated elders living with no support from friends or family who otherwise would be alone for the holidays. Families are welcome to make visits together. Elese Polk, 415-771-7957 ext.106, epolk@littlebrotherssf.org
Christmas in the Park
Saturday, Dec 25, 9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Boeddeker Park (240 Eddy St.)
City Impact strives to help meet the physical needs of the hungry, lonely and poor and needs volunteers to help cook, prepare and deliver meals, sort and deliver groceries to the disadvantaged, and serve hot meals to the homeless. $25 pre-registration fee required to underwrite expenses. Michelle Huang, 415-738-2536, www.sf911.org
Christmas Dinner
Saturday, Dec 25, 1–4 p.m.
First Unitarian Church (Franklin and Geary Streets)
For over 30 years, Tenderloin Tessie Holiday Dinners has fed the elderly, disabled, low-income families, the homeless, and anyone who doesn’t have a place to go on holidays, and especially needs volunteers to help prepare and serve on Christmas. Michael Gagne, 415-584-3252, www.tenderlointessie.com